790 Juno Ocean Walk, Suite 203-c Juno Beach, Florida 33408
Hair Growth treatments at Perfect Skin MD
PRP Hair Growth Treatment
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Hair Growth Treatment from Your Dermatologist in Juno Beach, Florida

Hair loss affects both men and women alike. While it is not often a health concern, it certainly can be unnerving and impact your wellness by lowering your confidence and self-esteem. The cut, style, or color of our hair is a way we express ourselves. At Perfect Skin MD in Juno Beach, Florida, Dr. Schroder understands the impact of hair loss, which is why she feels strongly about offering hair growth treatments. She’s experienced it herself, and even knowing what intrinsically was happening, found it distressing! We encourage all individuals who are searching for ways to regrow hair to contact us so we can develop a treatment plan to restore your natural hair.

Promoting hair growth

Did you know that it is completely normal to lose up to 100 strands of hair per day? Finding strands of hair in your brush or the shower is not usually cause for concern, however, if you are noticing large amounts of hair loss daily, it is time to schedule a consultation with Perfect Skin MD.

PRP Treatment

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Platelets are rich in growth factors and are essential in the facilitation of the body’s natural healing process. PRP is harvested from the patient’s blood and used in combination with microneedling and/or injections to improve the tone and texture of the skin as well as promote hair regrowth.

PRP Treatment for hair growth

Platelet-rich plasma harnesses the body’s natural healing mechanisms and growth factors to promote hair regrowth. The procedure involves drawing a tube of your own blood. The tube is then placed into a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the remaining blood contents. The PRP is injected into the scalp area to stimulate hair growth for both men and women.

For PRP hair growth to be successful, patients will need to come into the office several times for treatments. Most patients will need between 4 and 6 sessions scheduled about a month apart for the best results. After that, maintenance sessions can be scheduled about twice per year to continually improve hair growth.

Benefits of PRP treatment for hair growth

  • Natural
  • Safe
  • Effective
  • No risk of allergies