790 Juno Ocean Walk, Suite 203-c Juno Beach, Florida 33408
Vi chemical peel treatments in Palm Beach area
VI Chemical Peels
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The Most Powerful Chemical Peelin Juno Beach, Florida: VI Peel

Time takes a toll on your skin, as does sun exposure, environmental pollutants, illness, and stress. With potent VI peels, damaged skin is transformed safely and effectively. We are proud to offer this exceptional aesthetic procedure at Perfect Skin in Juno Beach, Florida.

What sets VI Peel apart

The VI Peel collection includes several variations to address specific skin types and concerns. All are formulated for an optimal balance of potency and gentleness with ingredients that nourish the skin. Additionally, these peels work synergistically with other medical-grade anti-aging skincare products, further enhancing your benefits. VI peels are a safe and effective way to eliminate wrinkles, reduce imperfections, even your skin tone, and improve your skin texture.

The VI Peel collection includes:

  • VI Peel – Targets wrinkles, rough texture, fragile skin, and fine lines under your eyes and around your mouth.
  • VI Peel Precision – All the benefits of the original Vi Peel with a higher concentration of active ingredients for advanced aging.
  • VI Peel Precision Plus – Formulated to treat age spots, discoloration, and aging skin.
  • VI Peel PURIFY – This is the go-to VI Peel for acne and oily skin, clearing pores and eliminating bacteria that cause breakouts.
  • VI Peel PURIFY with Precision Plus – This powerful formula reduces the appearance of acne scars and hyperpigmentation while improving overall skin quality and health.

What to expect

The VI Peel procedure is fast and painless. After the skin is cleansed and prepared, the formula is applied in several layers. You may experience a mild, transient stinging sensation, as the formulation gradually self-neutralizes and soaks into your skin. After four hours, you may cleanse your face at home using specialized products using the written instructions we provide.

Your appointment will likely last 30 minutes, and afterward, you will have minimal downtime. Although VI Peel results are not visible instantly, fresher, brighter skin will be revealed within a matter of days. Most patients purchase a series of VI Peel treatments (three to four) to achieve their desired goals, but you are likely to see some improvement after even just one.